Procedure Instructions
Before and after your scheduled procedure, these instructions provide vital information on preparing for your appointment and care afterward, including any necessary dietary restrictions, medication adjustments, and additional steps.
- Anal Surgery Post-Op
- Breast Surgery Post-Op
- Colonoscopy Screening/Diagnostic
- Colonoscopy (NuLYTELY)
- Colonoscopy (SUPREP)
- Colonoscopy (SUTAB)
- Hernia Repair Post-Op
- Inpatient Surgery (Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center)
- Laparoscopic Surgery Post-Op
- Outpatient Surgery (Corvallis Clinic Surgery Center)
- Outpatient Surgery (Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center)
- Pain Treatment
- Pilonidal Surgery Post-Op
- Port-a-Cath Insertion Post-Op
- Procedural/Pre-Operative Showering Instructions
- Varicose Vein Ligation And Stab Phlebectomy Instructions
To better serve you, minimize waiting time at check-in, and provide accurate information, below are links to a number of useful forms and questionnaires. Please note that these forms are general. If you are looking for a specific form, please visit the page of that department.
- Health Questionnaire
- Medical Record Release
- Medical Chaperone Form (Adult)
- Medical Chaperone Form (Pediatrics)
- Oregon Advance Directive Form
- Race, Ethnicity, Language, and Disability Form (REALD)
Should you have any questions about a particular form, questionnaire, or something not covered here, call us at (541) 754-1150.
Health and Wellness Classes
Everyone is happier when they’re healthier. That’s why, at The Corvallis Clinic, we do everything we can to help patients and their loved ones stay healthy. Here you’ll find links to our wellness programs, health support groups, and special classes.